Saturday, September 20, 2008
Some of you might know that I have two tattoos. I've been thinking for a while that I wanted to get another one, but I wanted it to be something that represented Brayden. I've been thinking I would pick out some picture that reminded me of him, but I hadn't been able to find anything. Finally this morning I figured out what it would be - the chinese symbols for his name. Some of you might know that I already have my name in chinese on my back. So I think his name in chinese will be the perfect thing. I'm still trying to think about where I will get it. My other two aren't really visable to the general public, so I think I would like to do the same with this one. I was thinking of maybe putting it on the inside of my ankle.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008
I thought I was computer literate until...
0 comments Posted by Amber English at Tuesday, September 16, 2008Until we got our new macbook. Our other laptop was pretty much becoming extinct. I swear the Internet was slower than dial-up, I guess that would be ok, except we have high speed DSL and we pay to get the faster service. So we decided to go to the apple store and check out their selection. Now I have always thought that macs were just overpriced. Boy was I wrong. This computer is totally sophisticated. It's seems so sophisticated that I can't seem to do anything on it ! It is totally different than our other PC. I am so used to windows and Microsoft that I have totally alienated myself from our new computer. So I feel like I'm starting over with learning how to use a computer. If anyone has any hints and tips....let me know.