Saturday, September 20, 2008
Some of you might know that I have two tattoos. I've been thinking for a while that I wanted to get another one, but I wanted it to be something that represented Brayden. I've been thinking I would pick out some picture that reminded me of him, but I hadn't been able to find anything. Finally this morning I figured out what it would be - the chinese symbols for his name. Some of you might know that I already have my name in chinese on my back. So I think his name in chinese will be the perfect thing. I'm still trying to think about where I will get it. My other two aren't really visable to the general public, so I think I would like to do the same with this one. I was thinking of maybe putting it on the inside of my ankle.

1 Comment:
- Filetti Family said...
September 22, 2008 at 10:42 AMMan, you are brave. I couldn't get a tatoo is someone paid me. I'm DEATHLY afraid of needles. I didn't know you already had two tatoo's. I've only seen the one on your back.
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